The porticoes of Bologna are like a treasure unfolding over the centuries. At times showing off proudly, at others timidly hiding.
This guide will lead you to discover the wonders hidden under the arches, the capitals, wonderful scenery and shady corners.
This experience of discovery will not come just from reading.
In the eight fascinating itineraries, columns and bricks we will ask you to look up, see the concealed details, compare, photograph, draw, move around in the space and much more.
Only in this way will the porticoes reveal their secrets and their incredible wonders to you.
See the page of the book on the official page of Bologna porticoes:
9788893643054 • Picturesque porticoes • 10/12/2020 • Cop. flessibile • Dim 14.00x 1.20×22.00 cm • € 20.00 • colori • p.204
Daniele Fraccaro deals with art and education. He is head of the Communication and Art Teaching department at the Academy of Fine Arts in Bologna where he teaches Pedagogy and Teaching of art and Teaching of artistic languages. It manages cultural projects, training courses and educational workshops. He is the author of art books and magazines for children, teenagers, adults and teachers.
The translation of this work was carried out thanks to the contribution of SEPS – Segretariato Europeo per le Pubblicazioni Scientifiche